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Fair use and social media

Description In this lesson, students will review the concept of fair use and discuss how it applies to social media. Students will explore the terms of service of various providers and gain an understanding of who owns what content and what can be done. Objectives Students …

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Choosing staff leaders and recruiting staff

During the second half of the school year, students and advisers must devote attention to choosing staff leaders and recruiting new members for the following year. This lesson will help students decide the criteria by which they choose their leaders and help walk them through the process of selecting their next leadership team. It will also help them consider the methods they use to recruit new staff members.

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Establishing core values and individual/staff goals

A good staff knows that working together to produce student media is an involved and challenging process that involves a constant series of decisions. Getting clear on a few key elements that matter most will help the staff focus its efforts. This lesson will expose students to the idea of core values. Students will identify their individual core values and determine the core values of the staff. Based on those core values, they will develop goals for the year. Students will periodically re-evaluate their goals and reflect on their performance in order to determine what adjustments to make.

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