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Developing a student PLC for leadership growth

Just like teachers continue their growth with activities like professional development and professional learning communities, students will participate in a professional learning community to help advance their learning when it comes to media. The idea is to shift the thinking of a staff from a group that tries things they have seen other staffs do to a staff who that leads the way, trying things on its own and setting an example to follow.

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Covering sensitive topics — Media coverage of police brutality

This lesson explores news editorial coverage of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases by looking at editorials printed by major newspapers during the cases and grand jury investigations. The lesson begins by asking students what they already know about the Brown and Garner cases, and then pairs of students are assigned an editorial to read and analyze. Students then contribute to a collaborative document about how the media covered these events.

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Generating stories for online beat coverage

Description Building upon student understanding of online beat coverage, students will generate beat story ideas for one beat. Objectives Students will be able to identify a variety of angles for online coverage. Students will be able to evaluate their ideas and brainstorm different methods of reporting …

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