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Photojournalism project & assessment


Students will complete a miniature photo project as a way of demonstrating the knowledge they have learned over this unit. Then, they will take the assessment over photojournalism.


  • Students will plan, execute, and design a photo project to demonstrate their knowledge from this unit.
  • Students will take an assessment that determines whether or not they have mastered the content of photojournalism.


Five 45-minute lessons


Photo project handout & rubric

Photojournalism quiz (for four-week unit)

Photojournalism quiz key (for four-week unit)

Photojournalism quiz (for two-week unit)

Photojournalism quiz key (for two-week unit)

Lesson step-by-step

Prior to Day 1: Give students details about the photography project by giving the handout and rubric ahead of time.  You may want to set a flexible “due date” for having the photographs taken by the first day of this lesson so students can maximize the time in class for working on the design aspect.

Day 1-3:

1. 5 minutes. Review details of this project. (Depending on availability of software and/or students’ prior knowledge, teachers may choose to adapt this project so that students are creating a Presentation or Powerpoint instead of a photo essay in a design program.) Answer students’ questions.

2. 40 minutes. Give students the rest of the period to work on their design.  Assist students as necessary, and make sure they are continually reflecting on their rubric and instructional materials from this unit to be sure that they are adequately following instructions, writing captions, and designing.

Day 4: Give students specific instructions for how to save projects (it may be easier to submit electronically via email or a shared drive rather than printing them out).  Optional: if students appear to be working quicker than you would expect, you can build some time into the final day for students to share and describe their projects, either in small groups or in front of the whole class.

Day 5:

1. Assess. Give students Photojournalism quiz. Students have the entire period to complete.